Reps Caucus Applauds President Tinubu’s Approval of N’West Development Commission

Written by Yusuf Zubairu


North-West Caucus in the House of Representatives says President Tinubu’s approval of the North-West Development Commission Bill has validated the trust and renewed hope of the people in the region towards the current administration.

Chairman of the Caucus Alhaji Sada Soli Jibia, made the statement at a press Conference in the National Assembly complex Abuja.

Alhaji Sada Soli explained that the signing of the bill follows recent policy decisions that underscore President Tinubu’s patriotism and determination for the growth and development of every region in the country.

He said the Caucus was optimistic that establishing the commission would lead to the rebuilding of ruined infrastructure such as roads, schools, health facilities, homes, markets, places of worship, business premises, and other social amenities.

The North-Wes Caucus however, appealed to President Tinubu to intensify efforts in addressing the security challenges particularly in the geopolitical zone through broader security sector reform to enable people to return to their normal lives.

Alhaji Sada Soli maintained that the bill, which was sponsored by Deputy Senate President Sen. Barau Jibril, was part of an effort to boost economic development and restore parity to people whose lands have been ravaged for years by gratuitous violence from bandits and other miscreants.

The lawmakers further lauded the Deputy Senate President, Senator Jibrin Barau, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Abbas Tajudeen, members of the North-West Caucus in both chambers, as well as supporters across the country, for their contributions in ensuring that this bill was passed and assented to.

While commending President Tinubu for leading the country through difficult times the Caucus however, reminded those who would be saddled with managing the new Commission to work diligently to realize the goals of the bill for the development of the North West geopolitical zone.