Stakeholders Urge Govts To Address Unemployment, Poverty, Other


A one-day stakeholders’ roundtable discussion on the state of the nation, organized by Arewa House, Center for Research and Historical Documentation, has urged the federal and state governments to implement programs addressing unemployment, poverty, and lack of social services.

In a communique issued at the event’s conclusion, stakeholders advised the government to release those arrested in connection with the proposed protest, citing the potential to earn respect and diminish protest momentum.

The communique also recommended exploring alternative avenues to address citizens’ grievances and demands.

It appealed to religious and community leaders to guide their congregations in prayers for peace and prosperity, emphasizing peaceful coexistence.

The meeting encouraged societal members to alleviate the suffering of the less privileged by providing food, medicines, and other necessities.

The stakeholders’ roundtable discussion aimed to address pressing national issues and promote peace and prosperity in Nigeria.

“We urge all concerned parties, including government representatives, civil society organizations, and citizens, to engage in open and inclusive dialogue to address the underlying issues and concerns that may drive protests”.

“Recognizing the importance of youth in shaping the future of our nation, we propose the implementation of youth empowerment programs that provide gainful employment, skills training, and opportunities for youth to actively participate in the development of our society”.

“We emphasize the need to strengthen our institutions, including the judiciary, security agencies, and governance structures, to ensure accountability, transparency, and justice for all citizens”.

“We also encourage affluent members of society to provide assistance in alleviating the suffering of the less privileged through the provision of food, medicines, and other necessities”.

“We call upon the media to uphold their ethical responsibility in reporting events to do with unrests, ensuring accuracy, fairness, and responsible journalism that contributes to promoting peace, understanding, and national unity. We express our deep concern regarding the dangers of fake news and misinformation, which have the potential to further exacerbate tensions and incite violence. It is essential for media houses to be conscious of the national security implications of their reportage and exercise caution in disseminating information to the public”.

“Recognizing that some political figures might attempt to exploit the current socio-economic conditions to incite social unrest for personal gain, we urge them to consider the dangers of unorganized and unpredictable protests”.

“We unanimously call on all political parties to prioritize the upcoming local government elections as a legitimate channel for expressing grievances and effecting change. We encourage political actors to educate their members on the importance of peaceful and democratic means of participation, while channeling any concerns and demands through the ballot box, in view of the recent development on Local Government Autonomy”.

“A delegation from this gathering should be formed to interface with the relevant authorities”.

“A similar gathering should be organized with a specific focus on the youth, moderated by selected elders under the umbrella of Arewa House, to discuss issues affecting young people and explore effective solutions.

“Lessons from Sudan: The gathering also included a briefing from a Sudanese representative, who explained how desperate individuals hijacked the protests in Sudan and the irreparable consequences that the country is still grappling with”.

“We, the participants of this roundtable discussion, commit to promoting a culture of peaceful coexistence, dialogue, and sustainable development in Nigeria. We stand united in our efforts to address the challenges facing our nation while upholding the principles of democracy, human rights, and social justice”.

Communique/Adamu Yusuf