Alleviating The Plight Of Civil Servants

Written by Bunmi Abdulraheem


In the face of Nigeria’s current economic challenges, the plight of the average civil servant has reached a critical juncture.

With the cost of living soaring and inflation rates eroding the value of their already modest salaries, the government must take decisive action to honor its commitments and ensure the financial stability of civil servants, and the workforce.

Civil servants are the backbone of the country’s public sector, ensuring the smooth operation of essential services and contributing significantly to national development. But despite their pivotal role, these workers have long been subjected to inadequate compensation, delayed salaries, and poor working conditions.

The present economic realities have exacerbated the situation, making it increasingly difficult for civil servants to make ends meet.

Honoring Commitments

The government has made several promises aimed at alleviating the financial burdens faced by civil servants including the arrears of salary increment for civil servants on low earnings, wage award, and the newly negotiated minimum wage.

To start with, some workers have been promised salary increments of 25% and 35%, yet many have not seen these increases reflected in their paychecks. These increments are not just numbers; they represent a lifeline for thousands of families struggling to cope with rising living costs.

The pledged N35,000 wage award is another commitment that has yet to be fully realized. This award was designed to provide immediate relief and support to civil servants, acknowledging the economic pressures they face daily.

The recently agreed-upon minimum wage of N70,000 is a significant step towards fairer compensation. However, for it to have a meaningful impact, it must be implemented swiftly and across the board, ensuring that all civil servants benefit without further delay.

Economic Context

The urgency of these measures cannot be overstated. Nigeria’s inflation rate has been on an upward trajectory, diminishing the purchasing power of civil servants’ salaries.

The cost of essential goods and services,   including food, transportation, and healthcare, has surged, placing immense strain on household budgets.

In this context, the government’s failure to fulfill its financial commitments to civil servants is not just an issue of fairness, it is a matter of survival for many families.


To address these pressing issues, the government must prioritize the immediate payment of all arrears related to the 25% and 35% salary increments. This will provide much-needed financial relief to civil servants and help restore their trust in government commitments.

Government must expedite the disbursement of the N35,000 wage award to all eligible civil servants. This measure should be executed without bureaucratic delays to ensure that workers receive timely support.

The new minimum wage of N70,000  should be implemented without further postponement. Additionally, government must put mechanisms in place to ensure it fulfills promises made to organized labor on the regular review and adjustment of the minimum wage in line with inflation and economic conditions.

It’s crucial to invest significantly in infrastructure and resources to enhance the working conditions of civil servants. This involves ensuring they have enough office supplies, reliable electricity, and internet access, which are vital for productivity and job satisfaction.

The government should prioritize creating thorough training programs to improve civil servants’ skills and career opportunities. This will benefit employees and make the public sector more efficient and effective.

Addressing issues of corruption and nepotism within the civil service cannot be overemphasized. The government must strive to implement transparent and merit-based systems for promotions and appointments to ensure that hardworking and deserving employees are recognized and rewarded.

The well-being of civil servants is intrinsically linked to the prosperity of the nation. By fulfilling its promises and taking proactive steps to improve the lives of these essential workers, the government can demonstrate its commitment to fairness, justice, and national development.

It is time the government acted decisively, ensuring that civil servants receive the compensation and respect they deserve.