Education Featured News

Gov Mutfwang Orders Immediate Closure of Saint Academy in Jos

Written by Yusuf Zubairu


The Plateau State Governor, Caleb Mutfwang, has ordered the immediate closure of Saint academy, Busa Buji, Jos, Plateau state.

The Governor gave the order on Saturday morning when he visited the site of the collapsed building, which saw 22 students killed with more than 130 injured.

The governor went round the school premises, with the principal and staff.

“It is unfortunate what has happened but of course what it means is that this school is closed down immediately. We can’t take any further chances and we need to send this message particularly to owners of private schools,” Muftwang said.

The school building caved in while student were in class on Friday

Bodies have been deposited in different morgues in the state, while the injured persons continue to receive life saving treatment, as the Governor Muftwang directed priority to be given to the treatment of the victims, regardless of documentation or payment.

Mutfwang also ordered the arrest of artisanal miners, mining around residential areas in the state.

Radio Nigeria reported several people were killed and many injured when a two-storey building in Saint Academy Secondary School Busa Buji Jos collapsed while students were writing their third term examination.