Agriculture News

Niger Gov Launches Fertilizer Sales, Distribution for 2024 Farming Season

Written by Yusuf Zubairu

Niger State Governor Mohammed Umar Bago has launched the sale and distribution of fertilizer and other agricultural inputs for the 2024 farming season at 50% subsidized rates to boost farming activities..

The Governor stated this at the flag-off of the 2024 farming season’s sale and distribution of fertilizer and other agricultural inputs held at the farm center in Minna.

Alh Umar Bago reaffirmed the commitment of his administration in prioritizing agriculture, investing in machinery and technology to boost productivity in line with the goal of achieving the ambitious New Niger Agenda.

He however, reassured of the commitment of his administration to achieving sustainable food security, reducing food costs, as well as addressing unemployment to the nearest minimal.

According to him, this could be achieved by ensuring the affordability of farm products, including subsidizing fertilizer prices by fifty percent., and also assured farmers of government support for the 2024 farming season to achieve maximum results.

In his remarks, State Commissioner for Agriculture, Musa Bawa Bosso said the state had commenced the implementation of directive of cultivating ten thousand hectres of land in each of the twenty five Local Government Areas, and that the ministry is working In synergy with the Niger Food to actualize the dream of Governor Bago.

Alhaji Bawa Bosso explained that the Niger State Agricultural and Mechanization Development Authority (NAMDA) is also collaborating with Niger Food to meet the needs of twenty thousand smallholder farmers and ten thousand medium-sized farmers, providing them access to one thousand power tillers and agricultural inputs..

The Commissioner also appealed to Governor Umar Bago to support the resuscitation of  state’s buffer stock programme that had been  in comatose for several years to enable them purchase stock for sale at subsidize rates when the need arise.