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Niger NUJ Council Inaugurates Credentials Committee for Upcoming Election

Written by Yusuf Zubairu

Niger State Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists NUJ has inaugurated the election and Credentials Committee with a call on them to be fair and just in the discharge of their duties.

Inaugurating the committee at the IBB Pen House Minna, Council Chairman Comrade Abu Nmodu, said the setting up of the committee was in line with Article six sub-section five of the Union constitution.

In a statement by the Council Secretary, Cọmrade Usman Chiji, the Chairman Comrade Abu Nmodu explained that the selection of members of committee was based on merit and charged them to uphold the ethics of the profession in carrying out their assignment.

He however, promised to provide a level playing ground for all contestants by the State Working Committee SWC to ensure conduct of free, fair and credible election.

He told the committee to always communicate with the National Secretariat of NUJ on their activities to guarantee a seamless election.

Comrade Abu Nmodu however gave the committee one week within which to come up with a timetable of activities.

Responding on behalf of other members, the Chairman of the committee Mr Aideloje Ojo, thanked the State Working Committee SWC, for confidence reposed in them and promised not to disappoint the Union.