
Leader Of Attempted Coup In Bolivia Arrested

Written by Basirat Memudu

A leader of attempted coup in Bolivia, General Juan José Zúñiga has been arrested by the police hours after the presidential palace in La Paz was stormed by soldiers.

General Zúñiga was removed from his role on Tuesday, after he made inflammatory comments about Bolivia’s former president, Evo Morales.

The rebel military leader said he wanted to “restructure democracy” and that while he respected President Luis Arce for now, there would be a change of government.

President Arce condemned the coup attempt, calling on the public to “organise and mobilise in favour of democracy”.

“We cannot allow once again coup attempts to take Bolivian lives,” he said in a televised message to the country from inside the presidential palace.

His words clearly resonated, with pro-democracy demonstrators taking to the streets in support of the government.

He also announced he was appointing new military commanders, confirming reports that General Zúñiga had been dismissed after openly criticising Mr Morales.

Mr Morales, who also condemned the coup attempt, called for criminal charges to be brought against General Zúñiga and his “accomplices”.