
Gov Namadi Cautions Youth Against Misuse Of Social Media

Written by Basirat Memudu

Governor Malam Umar Namadi of Jigawa State has declared opened a two day social media workshop organized by Danmodi Media Reporters.

The event, held at the Manpower Development Institute, gathered young men and women from the 27 local governments across the state who actively use social media.

In his speech, Governor Umar Namadi emphasized his appreciation for the youth who are advancing the goals of the Jigawa state government.

He thanked them for their efforts and bravery in protecting the administration’s interests.

“On behalf of myself and all those who have run for election in 2023, we express our gratitude to the young people of social media for their efforts and determination to achieve success,” the governor said.

Namadi also cautioned the youth to avoid misuse and the spread of inappropriate content that could violate peoples dignity.

He acknowledged the youth’s significant contributions to the government’s success and assured them of the recognition and reward for their efforts.

Governor Namadi also thanked the organizers of the workshop for educating the youth on the proper use of social media.

Report By USMAN MZ