KDSG To Procure Ginger Seedlings, Subsided Fertilizer For Farmers

Written by Godwin Duru


In a bid to prevent the recurrence of ginger blight, an epidemic that made ginger farmers lose millions of naira in the previous farming seasons in Kaduna, the State Governor Malam Uba Sani, has assured that his government will procure clean ginger seedlings for distribution to farmers.

He made this known while flagging off the distribution of farm inputs, seeds and farm equipments for smallholders famers in Kafanchan, Jema’a local government area of the state.

Governor Sani also promised that, in the next few weeks the state government would commence distribution of subsidized fertilizers for farmers across the state.

He noted that agriculture remains the backbone of Kaduna State economy, providing employment and sustaining livelihoods.

“We are taking steps to address key challenges in the agricultural sector in order to restore the glory of farming and the joy of rural living. In view of the challenges and losses faced by ginger farmers in the previous seasons due to ginger blight, we have resolved to procure clean ginger seedling for distribution to our farmers”.

Malam Uba Sani further stated that, Kaduna State is endowed with huge agricultural potential, which prompted the current  programmes and policies to further boost the sector and attract the needed investment.

According to him, small holder farmers and small scale agro-processors have been facing difficulties due to the current economic challenges in the country, stressing that those category of farmers are very critical in it quest to ensure food security.

“It is for this reason that our administration has come up with an innovative programme “Tallafin Noma – A Koma Noma” as part of our “Sustainable Livelihoods Through Social Interventions and Economic Empowerment” initiative”.

“Under this “A Koma Gona” (Get Back to Farm) component, we are distributing farm inputs and equipment to minimum of 40,000 small holder farmers and farmers’ cooperatives across the 23 LGAs”.

Earlier, Commissioner for Agriculture, Murtala Dabo said the farm inputs and equipments distributed was a confirmation of the present administration’s commitment to rural economic revitalisation.

He however urged the beneficiaries to make judicious use of the equipment and input for their economic prosperity and  food security.

Similarly, as part of his one-year anniversary in office, Governor Uba Sani had also inspected the construction site of the Technical and Vocational Skills Acquisition City in Samarun Kataf, Zangon Kataf LGA.

Governor Uba Sani’s administration has initiated the construction of Technical and Vocational Skills Acquisition Cities in Rigachikun, Soba, and Samaru Kataf, covering the state’s three senatorial districts.

According to him, the ambitious projects were aimed at transforming Kaduna state into an IT hub, create business opportunities and employment prospects while positioning the state as a leading knowledge economy in Nigeria.

“Once fully operational, the centers will have the capacity to graduate hundreds of trainees each quarter, providing them with appropriate certifications. The Kaduna State Vocational and Technology Skills Cities will offer training and certifications in various fields, including:
International Certifications:Microsoft, CISCO, Huawei, Oil & Gas Welding and Fabrication, Articulated Vehicle Driving, Automobile Gas Conversion”

Others are automotive mechatronics, solar power installation, electrical installation, tiling, POP making carpentry and joinery, fashion and design, aluminum fabrication
and refrigeration and air conditioning.