NATIONAL News security

FG Urge To Use ICT To Solve Cross- Border Challeng

The federal government has been urged to adopt the use of information and communication technology(ICT) to address cross boarder challenges and ensure sustainable development in the country.


Professor Omenogo Mejabi of the Department of Information Technology, University of Ilọrin made the call while delivering the 258 Inaugural lecture of the Instruction in Ilọrin,Kwara state.


She said multilateral partnership can facilitate knowledge sharing , capacity building and technology transfer among nations to ensure better economic prosperity.


Professor Mejabi encourage government and organisations to prioritize investment in digital infrastructure including broadband networks and cyber security measures to ensure wide spread access to reliable and secured ICT services.


She called for the implementation of initiatives aimed at Promoting digital literacy at all levels of education to empower individuals with the skills needed to utilize ICT tools and platforms.


The ICT expert urged policy makers to enforce ethical guidelines and regulations to govern the responsible development , deployment and use of ICT technologies.


She advised that communities be involved in the design and implementation of ICT initiative to foster sense of ownership and ensure responsive solutions to local needs and priorities.


Professor Mejabi appealed to organisations to adopt sustainable ICT practices to minimize environmental impact and promote resource efficiency.