Senate To Drop Current National Anthem

Written by Bunmi Abdulraheem


The Senate has begun moves to drop the current National anthem “Arise oh Compatriots” and reintroduce the former one titled “Nigeria we hail thee”.“.

If the bill is passed, the existing anthem will be replaced with the old components of the anthem that were changed in 1978 during the Olusegun Obasanjo regime.

It would be recalled that the former anthem, which was adopted at Nigeria’s independence in 1960, was later dropped by the military 18 years later with the argument that it was composed by British Nationals.

In a bid to reintroduce the old anthem, the Senate in plenary on Thursday, passed for second reading the Bill to provide for the National Anthem of Nigeria and for other matters, sponsored by Senate leader, Opeyemi Bamidele, who in his lead debate, said the former anthem drew a sense of patriotism and better expressed the nature of the country.

In the course of the debate, Senator Mohamed Monguno, noted that Nigeria’s current national anthem is a product of the military; hence the need for it to be dropped as the country is now in a democratic dispensation.

Godswill Akpabio, President of the Senate, who presided over plenary, committed the Bill to the committees on federal character, judiciary, human rights and legal matters with the mandate to report back to plenary as soon as possible.

Adams Oshiomhole (APC, Edo North) and Mohammed Goje ( APC Gombe) specifically opposed the hurried passage of the bill without consulting Nigerians.

The duo argued that the Senate leadership needed to have organised a public hearing on the bill before considering its passage.

House passes bill to revert to old National Anthem

A Bill for Nigeria to revert to the old National Anthem passed its third reading at the House of Representatives. The Bill sponsored by the House Majority leader, Julius Ihonvbere was for Nigerians to act according to lyrics contained in the National Anthem.

According to the Majority leader, Nigerians have repeatedly on several occasions sung the current National Anthem without adhering to the patriotic lyrics contained in the Anthem.

According to the sponsor of the bill, the old National Anthem
written by Lilian Jean Williams and composed by Frances Benda, is a nostalgic reminder of Nigeria’s rich history and cultural heritage.

He explained that Its lyrics evoke a sense of national pride and unity, and its revival is expected to promote a sense of national identity among Nigerians.

Professor. Ihonvbere argued that the old national anthem is an integral part of Nigeria’s cultural heritage and should be restored to its former place of honour.

The Bill faced strong opposition from some Lawmakers who say that economic challenges in the country supercedes amendment of the National Anthem.