2024 Hajj: Jigawa Pilgrims to Enjoy Premium Accommodations Near Holy Mosque

Written by Yusuf Zubairu

In its preparations for the 2024 Hajj exercise, Jigawa State Pilgrims Welfare Board has secured a befitting world standard accommodation close to Holy Mosque in Makkah, Saudi Arabia for the State Pilgrims.

The Director General of the board, Alhaji Ahmed Umar Labbo, disclosed this to Radio Nigeria Correspondent in Dutse, the state capital.

He said the board had secured world class standard accommodation near Holy mosque, to enable the state pilgrims visit the Grand mosque without difficulty.

He further explained that, Governor Umar Namadi was ready and willing to provide necessary support to the board to enable it provide best services to the state Pilgrims.

On feeding, Ahmed Labbo explained that, the board had established an agreement with a company to provide feeding for the jigawa state pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

He said, the board was optimistic that the firm would deliver on the feeding agreement.

The DG pointed out that, pilgrims with underlining ailment who can not eat the food to be provided by Saudi Arabia Ministry of Hajj would be taking care of while at the holy land.

While commending the staff for their dedication, so far charged them to rededicate themselves to ensure the success of this year’s Hajj exercise.

Labbo expressed appreciation to the state government under the leadership of Governor Umar Namadi as well as the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria NAHCON for their unrelenting support and guidance to jigawa state Pilgrims welfare board.